Friday, December 21, 2012

Operation Christmas Child

Hello everyone!! Most of you will remember, that the kids filled 2 shoeboxes in November for Samaritan's Purse.  Well, I just found out that our boxes were sent to......Peru!!
Here are some great pictures from the Samaritan's Purse website from the kids getting their boxes in Peru.  Enjoy!  Thank you everyone for your donations which helped make this possible!!

Have a very Merry Christmas!!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Merry Christmas!!

I just need to start by saying, FANTASTIC job on the play, everyone!! Kids and adults alike!  The play was loved by everyone, and all of the help was appreciated - work on set and costumes, baking cookies, making dinner, and everything else!!  Thank you!

And now, it's time for a little party.  Sunday, December 9th at 12:30 after second service, in the Club P.L.A.Y. office (at the end of the hallway on the right.)  We'll have DVD's of the play available for $1 each!  There will be snacks, games, and prizes, and some little gifts.  I hope to see all of you there!  You deserve a treat!  After this, we'll be taking a break until January 20th, when we'll gather to get ready to start our Acting Contest!  Sure to be a fun time....

Enjoy the Christmas Season!  (And don't forget the reason....)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

It's that time again!

Dress rehearsals are this weekend!! Everyone is doing a great job, and we're down to fine-tuning everything.  Everyone really needs to work on making sure that they have the song "Christmas time is Here"  memorized, for the opening scene.

Okay - that said, our dress rehearsals will be:

Saturday, Dec.1st at 5 pm
Sunday, Dec. 2nd at 12:30 pm
     (Then be back at 5 pm to have dinner and get ready for the show)

So, here's what everyone (except Brooklyn and Tirzah) needs to bring from home:

A long-sleeved jacket/hoodie/coat that is preferably one solid color, or as close to solid as you have.  It doesn't need to be a heavy coat, just something with long sleeves for the outside snowy scenes. 

"That's it!!" (haha - quoting Charlie Brown and Lucy)

Thank you!  So, please bring the jacket to Saturday night's rehearsal (and wear another one, so you can leave the jacket for the play there at the church.)  I'll put your name tag in it and hang it up with the other costumes.

PLEASE RSVP to me to let me know you've read this message.  I'll be calling people on Friday who haven't RSVP'd just to make sure they know the practice times and what to bring.
Thanks again!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Sorry folks, I'm a little bit behind this week.... but wanted to keep you all posted about Saturday's practice - for those of you who are "iffy" about whether or not you can come that night, no worries - I'll see you Sunday!  We're going to run through the play twice on Saturday, from 5 - 6:15pm.

Also, a fun note- I found a website that provided some names and addresses for US troops overseas, to send them letters and packages, and I'll be providing some Christmas cards for the kids to send a little note to some soldiers in an Army (troop? group? - don't know what to call it), and we have a small box we're sending them with some snacks and handwarmers, which they have expressed a need for.  So, right when the kids get there on Saturday we'll start with writing the Christmas Cards for about 10 minutes or so before we start practice.  : )

See you then!

Practicing the song "Christmastime Is Here"

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

November 18th Practice

There will be some changes for the practice on November 18th.
We'll be starting at 1:30 and going until 3:00, to give everyone a chance to attend the Advent Calendar Making event and free lunch, which starts at 12:30.  Sounds like fun!

Also, on this day, the "little ones" (Claire, Daniel, Lauren D., Koda, and any others) who want to participate in the play are encouraged to come to the first half of rehearsal.

We're getting down to the last two weeks before the play, so it's crunch time!  Everyone needs to come as often as possible to rehearsals, and they need to really start memorizing if they haven't already.  We're going to be "off book" on Nov. 25th (my birthday), which means no more scripts!  :)

Here's the schedule for the remaining rehearsals:

Sunday Nov. 18th 1:30-3:00
Saturday Nov 24th 5 pm
Sunday Nov 25th 12:30 - 2:00
Saturday Dec 1st 5 pm
Sunday Nov 2nd 12:30 - 2:00

And the Play - December 2nd at 6 pm (Dinner at 6, play at 6:30)

Kids need to arrive at 5:30 - We'll eat dinner together and get ready for the audience members to arrive so we can sell RAFFLE TICKETS again before we go get into costume.

                                           Playing Chocolate Scramble After Practice

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Christmas Things......

Thank you, everyone, for bringing in the money for the Christmas Child Shoeboxes!  Club PLAY has filled two boxes - one for a girl and one for a boy.  We'll be paying for them online so we can track what country the boxes go to!

Continuing with our rehearsals, we'll be meeting Sundays at 12:30 - 2:00, Nov. 11, 18, and 25, as well as on Saturday, Dec. 1st at 6 pm for our first dress rehearsal.  The last rehearsal will be Sunday morning on the 2nd, which is the day of the play.  Then the actors will need to come back at 5:30 pm to get ready.  There will be a dinner that night - free!  So the kids will be able to eat at 5:30 before the "audience" arrives, and then they will be able to sell tickets to the raffle items before they go backstage to get ready for the play which will start at 6:30.  After the play, we'll announce the raffle winners.

Last but not least, on Saturday Nov. 10 and 17, we're having "work days" - kids (and any adults who want to help) are invited to come at 4 pm and help us paint snoopy's doghouse, Lucy's booth, and the backdrops!  
I would appreciate it if you could RSVP about the work day(s) and let me know if you plan on coming, so I can plan ahead on what we'll be able to get done on those days.  Thank you!!   

Friday, November 2, 2012

Next Practice Reminder!

Happy November Everyone!!!

Don't forget that this week at practice, everyone needs to bring $2.00 for the Christmas Child Shoeboxes!  Club PLAY is doing one for a girl and one for a boy, and we'll be able to track them and see what country they get to!

We're also going to take a group photo this Sunday, to include with a note inside the shoeboxes.

Hope to see you all then!


(I don't know if anyone "gets" this.... lol)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Challenge (or two)

It's me again!  I talked to the few kids who were at rehearsal last Sunday, and we are planning on doing some Christmas Child Shoeboxes!  One for a girl and one for a boy. So, I asked the kids if they could each bring $2.00 to our next rehearsal, Sunday the 28th.  That's challenge #1.

Challenge #2 is - - let's see if we can have EVERYONE there who has a part in the play, so we can have a full rehearsal and take some group photos!

In case anyone needs a reminder, here is the cast list:

Charlie Brown - Lukas
Linus - Ethan
Lucy - Lauren
Snoopy - Brooklyn
Woodstock - Tirzah
Sally - Alyssa
Frieda - Lindsey
Violet - Hope
Patty - Sally
Schroeder - Joshua
Pigpen - Logan T.
Shermy - Kaelem
Marcie - Tilly
Franklin - Otis
Little kids - Daniel, Claire, and Lauren (Digweed)

I'm doing this list from memory, so I hope I didn't leave anyone out!

I hope I'll see all of you on Sunday!
Thanks bunches.... Tia

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Time to start thinking Christmas.......

Well!  The Silver Screen Play was great, and the party was fun, so it's time to start practicing for Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown!  

Here is the final cast list:

Charlie Brown - Lukas
Lucy - Lauren
Snoopy - Brooklyn
Linus - Ethan
Sally - Alyssa
Violet - Hope
Frieda - Lindsey
Schroeder - Joshua
Woodstock - Tirzah
Pigpen - Logan T.
Patty - Sally
Shermy - Kaelem

Kids - Tilly, Otis and Lauren D.

Hope to see you all there on Sunday!  We're going to practice downstairs in the youth room this week.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Party Time!!

Hello everyone!! Last night was great!! You all did fantastic!  So, it's time to take a little break and have a party!  Next Sunday, the 7th, at 12:30, downstairs in the youth room (at the end of the hallway)  we're going to have snacks, play games, and everyone will get their scripts for the Charlie Brown Christmas play, as well as a DVD of the Silver Screen ($1.00 each).

As far as I know, here are the parts for the next play:  (parents, please let me know for sure that your kids will be able to participate, if you haven't already)

Charlie Brown - Lukas
Lucy - Lauren
Snoopy - Brooklyn
Linus - Ethan ??
Sally - Alyssa
Violet - Hope
Schroeder - Joshua
Freida - Lindsey
Pigpen - Logan Thompson
Shermy - Kaelem
Patty - ___________  (Sally, if she can participate)
Woodstock - Tirzah

Lauren Digweed
Tilly and Otis ??? If they can/want to

Thanks again for a fantastic performance!  Hope to see you all at the party!

Monday, September 24, 2012

It's Cookie Time!

Hello all of you faithful actors and parents!  With the play only a week away, it's time to line up who will be able to bring cookies for the night of the play.... If this is something that you are willing and able to do to help, please rsvp and let me know at  (If everyone brings a dozen that will be plenty.)  Thank you!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Something New!

Club PLAY now has a drawer unit!  So (most) all of the kids now have a drawer with their name on it!  This is so convenient-- if kids forget their scripts (which several of them did last week)  They can always be placed into their own drawer.....
The drawers are in the main sanctuary, in the "drum corner", this way I won't need to be there to unlock anything so parents can pick up the scripts any time the church is open.  I'm also putting some of the smaller props for the play in the drawers of the kids who need to use them.

Kids are ONLY allowed to get into their own drawer!  :)  This just goes along with the rule about props (which the kids should all know).

Hope to see you all on Sunday!  One week left, so keep on memorizing!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Commercial Time!

It's time for us to do a little commercial for the play!  This will be on Sunday, Sept. 23rd, during BOTH services.  The commercial calls for 5 kids, and it's short and easy and fun.  So, if your kids can be in it, please let me know... I'll talk to them about it at rehearsal, or if I see them on Saturday at the costume fitting, at 6 pm.

Thank you! We're getting down to the last 2 weeks!! Everyone keep on memorizing!! See you soon ....

Monday, September 10, 2012

Fun Day Saturday

Well, it's getting down to costume time, everyone's favorite time!! We are fortunate again to have June Dixon helping us with several of the costumes, and she would like to have a costume fitting day this Saturday, the 15th, at 6 pm at the church.  It would be great if all of you actors could be there, especially if you haven't been fitted for any costumes yet, or if we don't have your measurements (Lily, Joshua, Alyssa, Tirzah, Sally, Tilly, and Mitch....)  It should only be for one hour.  We won't do any rehearsing this day, just trying on costumes and taking some photos for the display board.

Would you all be so kind as to RSVP and let me know if you can make it for this night? Thank you!!!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

School Days

Hello everyone!  I hope the first week of school is going well for all of you kids and parents both!  We're back to just Sunday rehearsals now, from 12:30 - 2pm.  We only have 4 of them left, plus the one Saturday 6pm rehearsal the day before the play, so it's important that no one misses any practice unless they absolutely must.  :)

Last rehearsal, we managed to get through just about the entire play, which was very encouraging, not to mention the fact that I saw less and less scripts on stage!  This Sunday, I'm going to allow scripts, but let's see if we can go without them next week.  I think we're pretty much there!

Hope to see you all soon!

Friday, August 31, 2012


Hello again everyone.... I would like to ask for a bit of help..... We've had one (more) person back out of being in the play, so I'm scrambling to fill his parts.  Most of them, I've been able to cover, but there are still a few parts (kids and adults) that need filling.  Some have been or will be soon asked, but not knowing what the answers will be, here are the roles that need filled (they are not big parts at all):

Maria (Sound of Music)
   Young adult

Friedrich (Sound of Music)
    Boy, about 13 years old

Augustus Gloop (Willy Wonka and the Choc. Factory)
   Boy, about 10 years old, plus or minus

Also from Willy Wonka:
   Mr. Beauregard (one line)
   Grandpa Joe (three lines)

Tessie (from Annie)
   Girl, any age from 8 - 12 or so  (three lines)

That's it... if you know anyone who fits these descriptions and would want to take these parts, please please ask them and let me know as soon as you can so I can finalize everything!  Four weeks to go till show time!!

Thank you!!
P.S. The play is set for Sept. 30th at 6 pm, and practices are Sundays 12:30 - 2 pm, with one Saturday practice on the 29th at 6 pm.
Thanks again,
  somewhat stressed director......

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Well,  Yesterday's practice went great!! We got through 90% of the acts, and had time to enjoy a banana split party to celebrate the end of summer!  Keep up the GREAT work, everyone!  Enjoy labor day weekend!!  And keep on memorizing - we're shooting for NO MORE SCRIPTS when we get back together on Sept. 9th.  (No practice this Sunday)

I'm SO proud of all you young actors!!!


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Getting ready for costumes....

Hello there all you moms!! I just want to start this post by saying that everyone who was at rehearsal on Tuesday (Hope, Lukas, Lauren, Brooklyn, and Lindsey)  did really well!  (Despite being a tad hyper.)  Great job, all of you!  Keep up the good work!

Now, I would like to ask for a tiny bit of help getting ready for costumes.  Would you please be so kind as to provide me with a few basic measurements of your kid(s) who are participating in this play?
I just need ~~~


If you could send me an email (  and provide me with this info, that would be a great help!  Thank you!  


Monday, August 13, 2012

Practice, practice, practice..........

We're all getting back into the swing of things for the next play!
Juggling around summer vacations and all of the fun going on!  :)

I've given the kids a challenge to help them think about their scripts during the week, and not just looking at them during rehearsals:  Try to spend 10 minutes every day going over your lines (and don't forget about your cues!).  We have 7 rehearsals left, maybe 8, if we need an extra one, so let's all start memorizing, piece by piece!

I hope the kids all had fun at Sunday's rehearsal! (Despite my minor injury - yeah)  ha ha - We got a lot done and I could really sense the enthusiasm!!  Great job all of you!! I'm so glad to be a part of this with all of you fantastic kids!!! See you again soon!!


Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Sunday, August 5th Practice

Hello everyone..... Here's an idea for what we're going to work on at our next practice, on Sunday from 12:30 - 2 pm, so you'll know what to expect.  :)

Good Ship Lollipop - Lauren and Brooklyn

The Wizard of Oz - Mia, Molly, Ethan, Sierra and Alyssa

Gone with the Wind - Sierra, Lukas, Logan

Arsenic and Old Lace - Logan, Mia, Brooklyn, and Lauren

My Fair Lady - Hope, Ethan, Joshua, Lukas, Teri, and Laura

Even if your name isn't up there, and you were planning on coming, that's great!  We can always have people stand in for someone who might not be there! :)  Hope to see you all soon.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

New Jeopardy day

Just me again....  we had a very small turnout on Tuesday, so we're going to wait and play Jeopardy on Sunday.  For all of you who have your scripts for the Silver Screen, let's get back to working on those lines! We've got two months still until our next show!  Hope you see you Sunday!

A small group of us watched scenes from Newsies and ate fresh popcorn! 

Monday, July 23, 2012

A change of scenery....

Wow, that was fun!  Just a Taste went over well, for the FBC soup kitchen and for Club PLAY.  Thank you everyone!! Now that it's over, we're moving on to "Once Upon the Silver Screen".  This Tuesday from 1-3 will be a fun day, with Club PLAY Jeopardy and watching some videos, as well as verifying who is playing what parts in our upcoming play.  Hope to see you all there!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

One more rehearsal to go!

Hello everyone!  The kids are all doing great, and we have one rehearsal left until the play, so here's the scoop:

Everyone really knows their lines, there are just a few spots where they're unsure of their cues, so everyone, make sure you pair your cues with your lines, so you know just when to say them!
(Lukas, don't forget to memorize your lines from While you Were Sleeping!) :)

The schedule Sunday will go like this~~
Rehearsal from 12:30 - 2:00 in the great room
Arrive at church for the play at 4:30, event should be over by 6:30

Just a reminder about what the kids should wear on Sunday:

Girls - jeans or khaki-type shorts (not too short) and tank tops (for under dresses) and a solid-colored t-shirt with NO design ( I am providing shirts for Lauren, Brooklyn, Alyssa, and Hope.)  Also, girls need to bring a pair of slip-on shoes for the Little Princess scene, and a pair of tennis shoes that they can slip into for the Newsies scene.

Boys - wear jeans or khaki-type shorts (solid colors) and button-down shirts, either plaid or solid, short sleeved preferably. I have 2 solid-colored t-shirts just in case someone needs one.  Also, wear tennis shoes.

Thank you!
P. S.  One more note:
The Tuesday after the play is going to be a Jeopardy day!  So, just a reminder about what we've been learning:
Upstage, downstage, stage right and left, backstage, the house, control room, green room, choreography and blocking.  (choreography is movements during a song or dance routine and blocking is positions during a play)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Passing on the info that I've given the kids a challenge for this week:  To spend 10 minutes a day, every day, going over their lines and their cues so we can see how soon we can go through things without our scripts!
The kids are really doing great, especially learning the song from Newsies.  I've been trying to help them learn how to get "in character" as well, which often comes with being familiar and comfortable with the material.

Thank you all!  I hope the kids passed along the papers to their parents to let you know about when  to arrive at the church on the 22nd, and what the kids should be wearing that night to be ready for costumes.

See you soon

Friday, July 6, 2012

Five more rehearsals!

Hello everyone, I hope you enjoyed your 4th!! Club P.L.A.Y. had fun riding in Pastor Kevin's pickup and throwing candy during the parade, wearing various costumes!  They even practiced a bit singing the song they'll be performing in the July 22nd show.
Only five more rehearsals to go for this performance - here are the dates and times, just to make it simple.  Thank you everyone who is participating!  Practice at home as much as you can, so we'll all be ready for the 22nd!  :)

Sun 8th 12:30 - 1:30
Tues 10th 1:00 - 3:00
Sun 15th 12:30 - 1:30
Tues 17th 1:00 - 3:00
Sun 22nd 12:30 - 1:30

The play will be Sunday the 22nd at 5pm, please come to the church at 4:30.  (There will be a dinner.)  Thanks again!  See you soon!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Fourth of July parade!

One more thing.... (smile)
The kids have the opportunity to represent Club PLAY in the 4th of July parade here in Anacortes!  Will you  let me know if your kids have permission to participate?  We'll be meeting at the corner of 4th and Commercial at 10:30 am. The kids will be wearing costumes, either something they have at home or one of the ones I'll be providing.

BUT....... the kids would rather RIDE than WALK, so..... do you have a truck (or know anyone who does) who would be willing to drive it in the parade?  Your help is very much appreciated!  We've only got a few more days.... (I know, it's last minute).

So, all I need other than a truck and driver is permission from the parents!  Thanks again, and hope to hear from you soon.


Friday, June 29, 2012

July Show - "Just a Taste"

Whew... VBS is almost over, and this coming Sunday we'll be picking up again with practices for the July fundraiser show!  The show will be performed on Sunday, July 22nd at 5 pm.

Practices will be Sundays at 12:30 - 1:30 in the sanctuary and Tuesdays 1:00 - 3:00 in the cry room.
Kids can come to both Sundays and Tuesdays, or one or the other.  We only have three weeks, so we're going to do as much rehearsing as possible!

The costumes will be provided, the kids just need to wear a plain solid-colored t-shirt and jeans or shorts.
Thank you!  Hope to see you soon!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Happy Summer!

Hello everyone!  I hope you all had a great Father's Day last week.  Summer is officially here, and there's only one day left of school before break!  Yay!!
So, I thought I'd touch bases once again and remind everyone that we are having rehearsals this Sunday.  VBS starts on Monday, so we're going to run through the skits we're doing for VBS.  Everyone please bring your scripts!  Thanks.....  I'll have a few extras just in case.

AND - this summer (July and August) we're going to have rehearsals TWICE a week, Sundays at 12:30 and Tuesdays at 1:00, so you'll have the option of coming either Sunday or Tuesday, or both if you want!  I hope this way we'll have more opportunities for people who want their Sundays to be family days, and more time to work on memorizing lines together.  : )

Also, I'm hoping to meet with all you "nuns", but I have yet to hear back from you as to whether you're available this Sunday, the 24th, at 1:30.  Please let me know! Thank you.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Just in case there's any confusion....

Hello everyone!  There is a lot going on with Club PLAY at the moment, so I thought I'd sum everything up briefly, so it won't seem confusing.

We're not meeting this Sunday because of Father's Day, so you can all have a break.  :)

On Sunday, June 24th, we're going to go over the VBS skits, to be ready for Monday the 25th.  These are skits that everyone will be doing each day at the start of VBS.

On Sunday, July 1st, we're going to start focusing on the things we'll do for the July fundraiser dinner and a show event.  This is the "While you were sleeping" and the "Newsies", so far.  We'll work on these July 1, 8, and 15, and the event is scheduled to happen on the evening of the 22nd.

After that, it's back to the "Silver Screen" play, which will happen in late September.
In the meantime, all you kids, please be working on memorizing the scripts for the July event!  It's okay to have scripts on stage for the VBS skits, so you don't need to worry about that.  :)

Thank you everyone!
Also, I still need to meet with all of the "nuns", so will you please RSVP and let me know if Sunday, June 24th at 1:30 will work out for you?  Thank you!


Sunday, June 10, 2012

July FUNdraiser.....

Hey again......
Today was the first day that we started practicing the skits we'll do for the July Dinner and a Show FUNdraiser.  We'll be doing a scene from "While you were Sleeping" and a scene and a song from "Newsies", along with one or two other things to make the show last about 30 minutes.  We had fun today (or at least I did)!
We're going to be taking a break next week for Father's Day, and then on the 24th we're going to run through the skit we'll do during VBS.

July 1st, 8th, and 15th, we'll be practicing the Fundraiser skits again, to perform it on the 22nd of July at 5pm.

There are still some parts open, if you didn't make it today!
Have a great week and I'll see you soon!

PS If you haven't seen the website for Club PLAY yet, go check it out!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Sunday June 10th

Hello everyone!

Just to let you all know, this Sunday after second service is the fundraiser event for VBS.  So, the plan is, there's going to be a lunch, so we can all just go and participate it that, eat our food, and then go to rehearsals when the fundraiser dessert auction begins.  That way, we will be done by 2:00.  I hope this works out for everyone! Missed you all last week!  Can't wait to get together and have fun practicing stuff for our own FUNdraiser show!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sick Day....

Sorry everyone, I had to take a break, feeling under the weather.  I will be emailing everyone their scripts for VBS, and next week we'll pick up practicing the July FUNdraiser acts.  Also, please remind your kids that if they have any scenes from books or movies, or something they've written themselves, to have it ready and turn it in to me next Sunday so I can go over it and see what we can include in the July show.

Thank you!
Hope to see you all next week

Friday, June 1, 2012

June 3rd Rehearsals and so on.....

Just letting you all know that there will be a slight change for our June 3rd rehearsals.  I will still have the scripts for everyone with their parts for the VBS skits, but we're going to start practicing a bit for our July fundraiser show.  (For the VBS skits, it's okay if people will still need their scripts on stage, but for the July thing, we really shouldn't).  So, I have a few acts lined up that we can do in July, that should be fun.

I have told the kids that they can choose something that they like as well, either from a movie they like, or something they've made up on their own.  If they have them finished by Sunday, they can turn them in then.  If not, they'll have until the 10th to turn them in, so we can finalize what will be included in the July fundraiser show, which is (tentatively) scheduled for July 22nd.  The whole length of that show (along with the dinner fundraiser) is going to be about 30 minutes.  That night, we'll also have some items for a raffle.  I have two items so far, with the possibility of another (Thank you, Michelle F.) , so if anyone has any ideas of what we should have, or has anything they might consider donating, please let me know!

Club Play's email is, or you can email me at, either one is fine.

Also, all you NUNS ....

How does Sunday, June 10th, at 2:00pm sound, for a meeting to touch bases and assign individual parts?  We can run through the song then, just so we're all on the same page.  In case you, by any chance, aren't familiar with the song, here is a link that you can click on to see it:

Please RSVP and let me know whether or not you can be there!
Thank you!
Have a great week everyone.......

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Club PLAY website....

I know that some of you have already seen our new website, but for the rest, here is the address to our web page!

Next week will be our first June rehearsal, so we're going to start practicing the VBS skits.  We're also planning on running through Arsenic and Old Lace, Forrest Gump, and whatever else we might have time for.  Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Addition to the "Silver Screen" play!

There is going to be another act in our Fall Play, the song "How do you Solve a Problem Like Maria" from the Sound of Music!  So, we have several ladies who are going to be the nuns!  This means that we're going to need NUN COSTUMES!!!  I think that June Dixon, who is planning on letting us borrow some of the other costumes we'll need in the fall, might have some nun outfits, but I don't know if she'll have 8 of them.  If anyone knows either where to find some inexpensive ones, or how to make some, that would be very helpful!

So far, here are the ladies that I know are planning to participate in this song:

Rose Murray                        
Janet Pearce
Betsy Mosely
Jeanne Elliott
Jacquie Zoolkowski
Myrna Eastman
Jody Lynn

There is still room for a few "extras" if anyone else is planning on participating, but please let me know asap.  There should only really be 8 or 9 women tops in this scene. Thank You!!

I will be planning a day in early June, I think for all of us to touch bases and assign parts, and go through the song once or twice, to give everyone a jump-start for the summer.  Then, after that, everyone will have their scripts, and we won't need to worry about getting everyone together again until August and September.

Thank you everyone, and I hope to see you all soon!

Upcoming weeks.....

Hello again .... Last week at Club PLAY was a blast!  The kids took part in an activity that will hopefully encourage them to be "over the top", as it is called, as actors when they're on stage.  We talked about having to over-exaggerate things, since as actors we're just one small person on a big stage in a big room.  Movements, facial expressions, and how you say your lines are all important to think about, showing the audience what your character is feeling.

Also, there are going to be some fun things coming up at Club PLAY meetings!
Next week, the kids are going to have the chance to split into groups of 3 or 4 and write their own 1-act plays!

The Club will be having a fundraiser event in mid/late July, and this fun writing day will help us prepare for the show that will be performed at the fundraiser.
Then, starting in June, the rehearsal time will be split between practicing the skits for VBS and the acts for the fall play, Once Upon the Silver Screen.

All you parents, here are the kids who have signed up, wanting to participate in the upcoming events.  Will you please RSVP and let me know if you're giving them the OK ??? Thank you!
(VBS is the last week in June, M-F, in the evenings.)

Fundraiser Skits:  (to be performed in mid or late July)
Lukas Barney
Joshua and Alyssa Digweed (and friends Sam and Kate)
Logan and Sierra Scamfer

       We are going to have parts for as many kids want to participate in this event, so there is still room for Lauren, Brooklyn, Jayna, Skyler, Mia and Molly as well, if they would like to be a part of it!

VBS skits:  (performed the last week of June)

Ethan Evans
Lukas Barney
Logan Scamfer
Joshua and Alyssa Digweed (and friends Sam and Kate)

       Again, there is still room for Lauren and Brooklyn, Mia and Molly, and Skyler, if any or all of them would like to take part in it.

That's all for now!  I hope to hear back from you soon, so I can start planning out what parts to give everyone, especially for the VBS skits!!
Have a great week everyone!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Hello everyone!  I hope you're all staying well!
Just to let everyone know where the Acting Club is at the moment.....

Last week we played "Jeopardy" and rehearsed a bit for the Silver Screen play.  It's been really low-key rehearsals we've been having, and next week we're taking a break for Mother's Day, so there won't be any rehearsals that day.  There will be Silver Screen rehearsals on Sunday, May 20th, specifically:

Anne of Green Gables
The Princess Bride
Forrest Gump
"So Long, Farewell"
          .........and whatever else we have time for.  So, if you are in any of these scenes, will you please try and make it to practice?  Thank you!  : )

On the 27th, there is going to be a change from what we had planned.  We're going to do a fun activity on that day, so bring your imagination along with you!!!

Also, and this is an important note, the Acting Club is going to be doing the skits for VBS this year!
So, if you're interested in participating, even if you haven't been regularly coming to rehearsals, please let me know!  We will be practicing these skits for the month of June, and VBS is going to be the last week in June.  

Please RSVP to me by May 31st to let me know if you are interested in participating in VBS skits, so I can assign parts.  Thanks again!!  Any questions, feel free to ask me!!

Thank you all!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Rehearsals May 6th

There is going to be a fun activity this coming Sunday... JEOPARDY!!

So, everyone think back on the last two plays.... Operation Messiah and The Christmas Pageant, and look over the club rules and acting terms so you're familiar with them, since those will be the categories for the game.  After we play, we're going to practice a few scenes as time permits.  The main thing I'm going to shoot for is practicing the Willy Wonka scene, so if you're in that one and are able to make it, I hope I'll see you there!

Thanks everyone!!

Also, the Sunday after next we'll have NO REHEARSALS because of Mother's Day! Enjoy the time!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Rehearsals April 29th

Hello again everyone.....

Here are the scenes we're going to practice next :

"Sisters" song
Gone with the Wind
Arsenic and Old Lace
My Fair Lady

So, the people who would need to come to rehearsals, if they can make it, are :

Jayna, Skyler and Lilly, Sierra, Logan, Alyssa, Joshua, Brooklyn, Lauren, Ethan, Molly, Mia, Laura, and Jeff... and anyone else who would like to come, since we are going to do another acting "game"

Reminder!  Rehearsal will be starting at 1:00 because there will be a baptism after second service.  Thank you! Hope to see you all then!

Also, at the next rehearsals on May 6th, we will be playing JEOPARDY!  So, everyone look over your acting terms, club rules, and think about the Christmas Pageant and Operation Messiah, because those will be most of the categories of questions!  


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Sunday Rehearsals!

Well, it's time once again for rehearsals!  As I've said, hopefully to let everyone know, we're going to be following a relaxed schedule from now through the summer, up until August, when our rehearsals will be more structured in preparation for the fall play.
So, this Sunday, here is what we're planning to do:

Start at 12:30 with a snack, followed by an acting game/activity, then we will rehearse the following:

Good Ship Lollipop
The Wizard of Oz
The Odd Couple

If you're not in any of those scenes, don't worry, you're still more than welcome to be there!  It will be good to have as many people there at "rehearsals" as we can, to fill in for people who can't be there, and as understudies.

Hope to see you tomorrow!


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Silver Screen Cast List

Hello again everyone!
Here is the Cast List for the next play, "Once Upon the Silver Screen". There are still some parts that need filled, but we'll be working on it all summer, so I think we'll be able to find people to fill the empty spots.  If you know anyone who might be interested, please let them know about it!  Thank you!

Open/Close ~ Lily S.
"Scene Stealer" ~ ____________  (teenage boy preferably)

Good Ship Lollipop ~ Lauren and Brooklyn

The Wizard of Oz ~
     Dorothy - Mia
     Tin Man - Molly
     Scarecrow - Ethan
     Lion - Sierra
     Toto - Lilly N.

White Christmas (Sisters) ~ Jayna and Skyler

Gone With the Wind ~
     Scarlett - Sierra
     Rhett - Lukas
     Mr. Ashley - Logan

Arsenic and Old Lace ~
     Mortimer - Logan
     Abby - Skyler
     Martha - Brooklyn
     Teddy - Lauren

My Fair Lady ~
     Eliza - Jayna
     Henry - Ethan
     Pickering - Joshua
     Mrs. Higgins - _____________ (adult)
     Mrs. Einsford-Hill - Laura
     Freddy - Lukas

The Sound of Music ~
     Maria - Joy N.
     Leisl - Lily S.
     Friedrich - ___________ (teen boy)
     Louisa - Jayna
     Kurt - Logan
     Brigita - Skyler
     Marta - Alyssa
     Gretel - Lilly N.
     Frau Schmidt - Laura

The Odd Couple ~
     Felix - Logan
     Oscar - Lukas

Willy Wonka and the Choc. Factory ~
     Charlie - Ethan
     Willy Wonka - Sierra
     Veruka - Brooklyn
     Violet - Lauren
     Mike - Joshua
     Augustus - ___________ (boy)
     Grandpa Joe - ___________ (adult)
     Mr. Salt - Jeff Brock
     Mrs. TV - Teri Austin
     Mrs. Gloop - Laura Tweten
     Mr. Beauregard - _____________ (adult)

Star Wars ~
     Leia - Lauren
     Han Solo - Logan

Anne of Green Gables ~
     Anne - Brooklyn
     Diana - Mia
     Gilbert - ___________ (boy)
     Teacher - Jeff

Annie ~
     Miss Hannigan - Sierra
     Annie - Skyler
     Molly - Lilly N.
     Duffy - Alyssa
     Pepper - Lauren
     Tessie - Molly
     Kate - ____________ (girl)

The Princess Bride ~
     Buttercup - Jayna
     Westley -  Lukas

Ferris Bueller's Day Off ~
     Teacher - ___________ (adult)
     Students - Ethan, Lauren, Molly, Mia, Logan

Forrest Gump ~
     Forrest - Lily S.
     Bubba - Sierra

Titanic ~
     Jack - Mia
    Rose - Molly

The Lord of the Rings ~
     Gandalf - _____________
     Gimli - _____________
     Elrond - ____________           (adults or teens)
     Boromir - ___________
     Legolas - ____________
     Aragorn - ____________
     Frodo - Ethan
     Sam - Logan
     Merry - Joshua
     Pippin - Skyler

Narnia ~
     Lucy -  Brooklyn
     Tumnus - Lukas

"So Long, Farewell"  ~
    All the kids from previous Sound of Music scene, also Joy N. as Maria and Kevin O. as the Captain