Tuesday, November 27, 2012

It's that time again!

Dress rehearsals are this weekend!! Everyone is doing a great job, and we're down to fine-tuning everything.  Everyone really needs to work on making sure that they have the song "Christmas time is Here"  memorized, for the opening scene.

Okay - that said, our dress rehearsals will be:

Saturday, Dec.1st at 5 pm
Sunday, Dec. 2nd at 12:30 pm
     (Then be back at 5 pm to have dinner and get ready for the show)

So, here's what everyone (except Brooklyn and Tirzah) needs to bring from home:

A long-sleeved jacket/hoodie/coat that is preferably one solid color, or as close to solid as you have.  It doesn't need to be a heavy coat, just something with long sleeves for the outside snowy scenes. 

"That's it!!" (haha - quoting Charlie Brown and Lucy)

Thank you!  So, please bring the jacket to Saturday night's rehearsal (and wear another one, so you can leave the jacket for the play there at the church.)  I'll put your name tag in it and hang it up with the other costumes.

PLEASE RSVP to me to let me know you've read this message.  I'll be calling people on Friday who haven't RSVP'd just to make sure they know the practice times and what to bring.
Thanks again!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Sorry folks, I'm a little bit behind this week.... but wanted to keep you all posted about Saturday's practice - for those of you who are "iffy" about whether or not you can come that night, no worries - I'll see you Sunday!  We're going to run through the play twice on Saturday, from 5 - 6:15pm.

Also, a fun note- I found a website that provided some names and addresses for US troops overseas, to send them letters and packages, and I'll be providing some Christmas cards for the kids to send a little note to some soldiers in an Army (troop? group? - don't know what to call it), and we have a small box we're sending them with some snacks and handwarmers, which they have expressed a need for.  So, right when the kids get there on Saturday we'll start with writing the Christmas Cards for about 10 minutes or so before we start practice.  : )

See you then!

Practicing the song "Christmastime Is Here"

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

November 18th Practice

There will be some changes for the practice on November 18th.
We'll be starting at 1:30 and going until 3:00, to give everyone a chance to attend the Advent Calendar Making event and free lunch, which starts at 12:30.  Sounds like fun!

Also, on this day, the "little ones" (Claire, Daniel, Lauren D., Koda, and any others) who want to participate in the play are encouraged to come to the first half of rehearsal.

We're getting down to the last two weeks before the play, so it's crunch time!  Everyone needs to come as often as possible to rehearsals, and they need to really start memorizing if they haven't already.  We're going to be "off book" on Nov. 25th (my birthday), which means no more scripts!  :)

Here's the schedule for the remaining rehearsals:

Sunday Nov. 18th 1:30-3:00
Saturday Nov 24th 5 pm
Sunday Nov 25th 12:30 - 2:00
Saturday Dec 1st 5 pm
Sunday Nov 2nd 12:30 - 2:00

And the Play - December 2nd at 6 pm (Dinner at 6, play at 6:30)

Kids need to arrive at 5:30 - We'll eat dinner together and get ready for the audience members to arrive so we can sell RAFFLE TICKETS again before we go get into costume.

                                           Playing Chocolate Scramble After Practice

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Christmas Things......

Thank you, everyone, for bringing in the money for the Christmas Child Shoeboxes!  Club PLAY has filled two boxes - one for a girl and one for a boy.  We'll be paying for them online so we can track what country the boxes go to!

Continuing with our rehearsals, we'll be meeting Sundays at 12:30 - 2:00, Nov. 11, 18, and 25, as well as on Saturday, Dec. 1st at 6 pm for our first dress rehearsal.  The last rehearsal will be Sunday morning on the 2nd, which is the day of the play.  Then the actors will need to come back at 5:30 pm to get ready.  There will be a dinner that night - free!  So the kids will be able to eat at 5:30 before the "audience" arrives, and then they will be able to sell tickets to the raffle items before they go backstage to get ready for the play which will start at 6:30.  After the play, we'll announce the raffle winners.

Last but not least, on Saturday Nov. 10 and 17, we're having "work days" - kids (and any adults who want to help) are invited to come at 4 pm and help us paint snoopy's doghouse, Lucy's booth, and the backdrops!  
I would appreciate it if you could RSVP about the work day(s) and let me know if you plan on coming, so I can plan ahead on what we'll be able to get done on those days.  Thank you!!   

Friday, November 2, 2012

Next Practice Reminder!

Happy November Everyone!!!

Don't forget that this week at practice, everyone needs to bring $2.00 for the Christmas Child Shoeboxes!  Club PLAY is doing one for a girl and one for a boy, and we'll be able to track them and see what country they get to!

We're also going to take a group photo this Sunday, to include with a note inside the shoeboxes.

Hope to see you all then!


(I don't know if anyone "gets" this.... lol)