Tuesday, November 27, 2012

It's that time again!

Dress rehearsals are this weekend!! Everyone is doing a great job, and we're down to fine-tuning everything.  Everyone really needs to work on making sure that they have the song "Christmas time is Here"  memorized, for the opening scene.

Okay - that said, our dress rehearsals will be:

Saturday, Dec.1st at 5 pm
Sunday, Dec. 2nd at 12:30 pm
     (Then be back at 5 pm to have dinner and get ready for the show)

So, here's what everyone (except Brooklyn and Tirzah) needs to bring from home:

A long-sleeved jacket/hoodie/coat that is preferably one solid color, or as close to solid as you have.  It doesn't need to be a heavy coat, just something with long sleeves for the outside snowy scenes. 

"That's it!!" (haha - quoting Charlie Brown and Lucy)

Thank you!  So, please bring the jacket to Saturday night's rehearsal (and wear another one, so you can leave the jacket for the play there at the church.)  I'll put your name tag in it and hang it up with the other costumes.

PLEASE RSVP to me to let me know you've read this message.  I'll be calling people on Friday who haven't RSVP'd just to make sure they know the practice times and what to bring.
Thanks again!

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