Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Addition to the "Silver Screen" play!

There is going to be another act in our Fall Play, the song "How do you Solve a Problem Like Maria" from the Sound of Music!  So, we have several ladies who are going to be the nuns!  This means that we're going to need NUN COSTUMES!!!  I think that June Dixon, who is planning on letting us borrow some of the other costumes we'll need in the fall, might have some nun outfits, but I don't know if she'll have 8 of them.  If anyone knows either where to find some inexpensive ones, or how to make some, that would be very helpful!

So far, here are the ladies that I know are planning to participate in this song:

Rose Murray                        
Janet Pearce
Betsy Mosely
Jeanne Elliott
Jacquie Zoolkowski
Myrna Eastman
Jody Lynn

There is still room for a few "extras" if anyone else is planning on participating, but please let me know asap.  There should only really be 8 or 9 women tops in this scene. Thank You!!

I will be planning a day in early June, I think for all of us to touch bases and assign parts, and go through the song once or twice, to give everyone a jump-start for the summer.  Then, after that, everyone will have their scripts, and we won't need to worry about getting everyone together again until August and September.

Thank you everyone, and I hope to see you all soon!

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