Sunday, January 15, 2012

Auditions Day!!

Today is the day to audition for a part in Operation: Messiah!  Auditions begin at 12:30 in the Great Room.  Tryouts from the script pages will take about 30 minutes or so, and then we'll have personal auditions - people can perform something of their own choosing. (this is completely optional!)  I tried to let everyone know about this ahead of time, but if they didn't have the chance to memorize something, they can have is printed out and do it with the "script" page... it can be from a play, a story, a movie, or anything.  I just want to let them express their own interests.  Hope to see you all there!


  1. PLEASE POST THE CAST LIST!!!!!!!!!!!! Sierra, Logan, Skyler, and I are dying to see it!
    no pressure. :)

    1. lol ... okay, miss acting queen... I will go review the auditions and get right on it! I'll have it up in about 30 min.
