Here is the script for you all, ahead of time so you get the idea. It's about retired famous rabbits (re-named slightly) - Bugs (Plugs) Bunny, N.R. Jizer, "Codger" Rabbit, Trixie, and the Easter Bunny. The point of the skit is the true meaning of Easter.
Okay, here is the script! Again, please let me know as soon as possible who wants a part, as we will begin practicing on 10th, but since I've included the script here, as soon as I know who wants to be in it, I will assign parts so the kids will be able to start memorizing at home before we all get together.
Thank you for your help!
The Old Rabbit’s Home
N.R. Jizer: Well, just look at that sunset! Too bad my eyes aren’t what they used to be! This reminds me of when I used to march right down the highway into the sunset. I would just keep going and going and going…..
Trixie: Oh, don’t start that again! It is a nice sunset though. It makes me think of a bowl of cereal. Raspberry red, lemon yellow, orangey orange…. Ah, but that cereal is for kids, right, Plugs?
Plugs: Eh? What’s that, doc?
Trixie: I said, ISN’T THAT RIGHT?
Plugs: Bright? Yeah, it’s bright. Brightest sunset I’ve seen today!
Codger: It’s the ONLY sunset you’ve seen today! I don’t know why I hang around with you old gray hares. I’m a MOVIE STAR! Or at least I was until I was framed. I was FRAMED, I tell you! FRAMED!!
Trixie and N.R. are exasperated. Bunny enters.
Bunny: Hello! Mind if I join you?
N.R. : No problem. Are you new here?
Bunny: Yep, just retired.
N.R. : Then welcome to the Old Rabbit’s Home. I’m N.R. Jizer, this is Trixie, Plugs and Codger. He used to be a movie star, you know.
Codger: Until I was framed. FRAMED, I tell you!
N.R. : What’s your name, stranger?
Bunny: Just call me Bunny.
Plugs: Funny? What kind of name is that?
Bunny: Bunny! Just call me Bunny!
Plugs: Eh? What’s that, doc?
N.R. Nevermind. Look at that sunset! I reminds me of the time I marched around the world beating my drum. I went through hurricanes and mudslides,
under water and over Mount Everest! Right into the sunset! Nothing could stop me! I just kept going and going and going…..
Trixie: And you’re STILL going on and on about all the unbelievable things you’ve done. Well, I can top that! I remember the time all those kids wouldn’t let me have any of their cereal. Ah, that cereal. Blueberry blue, grape purple, watermelon pink…..
N.R. Get to the point, will you?
Trixie: They wouldn’t even let me have a TASTE! So I stuffed them into a van and drove to the cereal factory and dumped them into the giant vats of food coloring! THAT ought taught them a lesson, I’ll tell you!
N.R. : That’s quite a story, but I’ll bet Plugs can beat it. Right, Plugs?
Plugs: Eat what? Not that cereal, I hope! It’s for kids!
N.R. Never mind.
Codger: Well, I say that MY story is the unbelievable one.
Trixie: What is your story?
Codger: (pauses dramatically) I was FRAMED!
N.R., Trixie, and Plugs: WE KNOW!
N.R.: How about you, newcomer? What’s the most unbelievable thing you’ve ever done?
Bunny: Well….. I guess that would be….. Easter.
Trixie: Easter? What about it?
Bunny: Well, I managed to convince everyone that Easter was really about candy,chocolate rabbits and colored eggs.
Plugs: What?
N.R. No way!
Trixie: Colored eggs?!?
Codger: That’s the most ridiculous thing I ever heard!
N.R.: Who would fall for a story that Easter is about candy and colored eggs?
Bunny: You’d be surprised.
Trixie: And I suppose you got everybody to forget about the REAL meaning of Easter? About Jesus—that he came to pay for the sins of the whole world?
Codger: And that he died, and was raised back to life again?
N.R.: And he keeps going and going and going……
Codger whacks him to make him stop.
Bunny: That’s right, I did make them forget. That’s why I retired. I want people to remember the real meaning of Easter.
Plugs: Colored eggs, my foot! What’s up with that, doc?
N.R. Well, it’s time to get inside for dinner. Probably mashed carrots AGAIN!
N.R., Codger and Plugs exit.
Trixie: Say, Bunny, these colored eggs—were they raspberry red?
Bunny: Yep.
Trixie: Lemon yellow?
Bunny: Yep.
Trixie: Orangey Orange?
Bunny: You got it.
Trixie: Ooooohhhhh……
Trixie exits.
Bunny: Gets ‘em every time!
Bunny exits.
The end.
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