Also, there are going to be some fun things coming up at Club PLAY meetings!
Next week, the kids are going to have the chance to split into groups of 3 or 4 and write their own 1-act plays!
The Club will be having a fundraiser event in mid/late July, and this fun writing day will help us prepare for the show that will be performed at the fundraiser.
Then, starting in June, the rehearsal time will be split between practicing the skits for VBS and the acts for the fall play, Once Upon the Silver Screen.
All you parents, here are the kids who have signed up, wanting to participate in the upcoming events. Will you please RSVP and let me know if you're giving them the OK ??? Thank you!
(VBS is the last week in June, M-F, in the evenings.)
Fundraiser Skits: (to be performed in mid or late July)
Lukas Barney
Joshua and Alyssa Digweed (and friends Sam and Kate)
Logan and Sierra Scamfer
We are going to have parts for as many kids want to participate in this event, so there is still room for Lauren, Brooklyn, Jayna, Skyler, Mia and Molly as well, if they would like to be a part of it!
VBS skits: (performed the last week of June)

Ethan Evans
Lukas Barney
Logan Scamfer
Joshua and Alyssa Digweed (and friends Sam and Kate)
Again, there is still room for Lauren and Brooklyn, Mia and Molly, and Skyler, if any or all of them would like to take part in it.
That's all for now! I hope to hear back from you soon, so I can start planning out what parts to give everyone, especially for the VBS skits!!
Have a great week everyone!
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