Monday, March 26, 2012


Another play done already!  It always seems strange when it's over.  But I LOVED the way the set looked!  Thank you everyone for all of your help!  And great job everyone - backstage crew and actors!  I hope you had fun!
Some of you already know that our next play is going to be called "Once Upon the Silver Screen".  This one won't have a "message" like our last two, but I thought that it would be a fun time.  It will be made up of scenes from movies that have stood the test of time, so to speak.  This way everyone will get to wear fun costumes and have the chance to play a few different parts.  I'm not really going to hold "auditions" for this play - what I'm doing is asking everyone to please let me know that they'd like to participate in this play, so I can finalize who I think should play which parts.  We're going to be working on this all summer at a more relaxed pace, knowing that people come and go on vacations, and then more seriously in September.  So please RSVP!  We're going to take some time off with Easter and everything, and pick up again with a Club PLAY kick-off party on April 15th.

Also, there are going to be some parts in this next play that I REALLY want some adults to do, to get involved.  Some will main parts (again, they will be short scenes from different movies, so none of the parts are going to be very big) and others will be small or even non-speaking. So let's be brave and adventurous, all you "grown ups".  It's going to be a blast!  

As it stands right now, here are the movies that will be represented in the "Silver Screen" play:

The Wizard of Oz
Gone with the Wind
Arsenic and Old Lace
My Fair Lady
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Miracle Worker
The Sound of Music
The Odd Couple
Willy Wonka and the Choc. Factory
Star Wars
The Princess Bride
Forrest Gump
The Fellowship of the Ring
Chron. of Narnia

Thank you again everyone!  I hope to hear back from you soon, so I can have a definite idea of who is available for the next play.  See you soon!

A prop that was the inspiration for a play that I was in called "Once Upon a Trunk", which is what gave me the idea to do the "Silver Screen" play

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