Okay everyone, here it is... sorry it took so long, it was tough making some decisions....
Please read all the way through - some people have two parts!
Agent Smith -- Logan Scamfer
Penny Dollar -- Jayna Nicholas
Commander -- Baylee South
Dr. NoWay -- Sally Culbertson
Agent Blah -- Lauren Shepard
Secretary -- Lindsey South
Oddball -- Brooklyn Shepard
Wacko -- Sierra Scamfer
Hannah -- Skyler Nicholas
James -- Kyle Shepard
Priest #1 -- Otis Culbertson
Priest #2 -- ______________ Lukas Barney??
Peter -- Ethan Evans
Jesus -- __________________ Kevin Olivarez??
Girl in crowd -- Ellie Evans
Healed woman -- Tilly Culbertson
Healed man -- _______________
Forgiven woman -- Lauren Shepard
Pharisee #1 -- ______________ (adult)
Pharisee #2 -- Lily Sadighmehr
Pharisee #3 -- _____________ (adult)
Roman Soldier #1 -- Kyle Shepard
Roman Soldier #2 -- ____________ Lukas Barney??
Crowd (non speaking, mostly)
Laura Tweeten
_______________ (adult)
________________ (adult)
Cool!!!! I'm sooooo excited!